BVD Ear notch Elisa

We are a designated testing laboratory for The BVD National Eradication Programme in Ireland. We provide you with an efficient turnaround of results with a hassle free service. Samples are tested using either the ELISA or PCR method.

We test both blood, ear tissue and milk samples for the National BVD Eradication Programme.

Turnaround Time 1-3 working days. Results are sent to ICBF.

We accept the following tag types:

Allflex Tags

Cormac Tags

Datamar Tags

Post samples to Animal Health Laboratories, Shinagh House, Dunmanway Road, Bandon, Co. Cork P72 TY31 or drop to one of our sample collection locations

BVD Payments:

All BVD testing is to be paid for in advance of testing. We encourage you to keep your BVD account in credit to ensure that your results are not delayed as samples will be held until payment is received.

If you are a Carbery or Dairygold Co-op account holder you have the option of paying for your BVD testing via deduction from your milk account.

For further information on the National BVD Eradication Programme please see Animal Health Ireland.

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